April is Autism Awareness Month and if you follow the ARTSHINE Facebook Page, you already know that we dedicated the fan page to World Autism Awareness Day, on April 2nd. We believe that art can assist those with Special Needs, and felt that recognizing World Autism Awareness Day was important for our ARTSHINE online community.

Autism and Art Many people who are Autistic find ways to express themselves with art.  One of the most famous Autistic Artists is Stephen Wiltshire.  Learn more about how he went from being unable to speak, to becoming a successful artist who draws architecture from memory in by watching the video at then end of this blog post. As you can see art can open up a whole new world for people with Autism. Art can become a way that they can express their thoughts and feelings, and even learn new skills. As many of you know ARTSHINE believes in ARTS FOR ALL. This is why we created the ADULTS & TEENS with Developmental DisABILITIES art program.  Art Classes for ADULTS & TEENS with Developmental DisABILITIES

Beginning this week ADULTS & TEENS with Developmental DisABILITIES art classes will be held at KW Habilitation and Elmira District Community Living.  Each week one of our talented art instructors will head up a small group to show them step by step how to create the project they are working on that week.  For more information about the ADULTS & TEENS with Developmental DisABILITIES art program, visit our ADULTS & TEENS with Developmental DisABILITIES page.  If you wish to learn about other art class programs by ARTSHINE, check out artshine.ca