This month we'd like to highlight one of our instructors, Louise L!

Here are a few fun facts about her:

Favourite Art Medium: I can’t choose just one! These days it’s acrylic paint, but I love beads and buttons, sewing, making pottery, making masks, making dolls, making books, as well as painting in oil and in watercolour. In short, I love creating!

Favourite Artshine in a Box Project: Love Monsters

Go-To Coffee Shop Order: Tea

Favourite DessertI have a sweet tooth, so this one is difficult to answer because there are so many delicious desserts! Any of my mom’s cake, because they are always made with love.

Dream Party Guest: Leonardo da Vinci

Favourite Season: Spring, without a doubt! I adore every kind of flower, including one of my favourites, which happens to grow on trees, the magnolia.

Fun Fact: I lived on 5 continents before the age of 13!


Louise is also a talented mixed-media artist. You can check-out her work on her website, Instagram page, and Youtube channel!